Charlotte, NC • Since 1959

Hyatt Farms Private Training Classes

Taught by our experienced instructors, we can customize training for your unique needs, utilizing our large facility.

Some areas we can train you in:


  • Firearms Safety and Function
  • Shooting Fundamentals and Performance
  • Firearms Care and Maintenance
  • Revolvers and Semi Auto Handguns
  • Carbines and Rifles
  • Defensive Shotguns
  • +MORE!

We also offer a fully featured Real Estate Agent safety class that covers all aspects of personal protection with a focus on those in the real estate industry.

Available for individuals, families, couples, and corporate clients, our certfied firearms instructors will tailor make a program that covers the topics you select. We have weekend and weekday slots available. Please email us for more information.

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Product Info
  • Brand
    Hyatt Guns
  • SKU
  • Quantity in stock
    7 item(s) available
  • Condition
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