Charlotte, NC • Since 1959
Hornady XTP 25 ACP 35 Grain Jacketed Hollow Point, 25 Rounds

Hornady XTP 25 ACP 35 Grain Jacketed Hollow Point, 25 Rounds

Hornady's custom is supremely accurate and delivers both accurate and dependable knockdown power Included in the features are select cases that are chosen to meet unusually high standards for reliable feeding, corrosion resistance, proper hardness, and the ability to withstand maximum chamber pressures along with primers that are chosen for their ability to quickly, completely, and reliably ignite the powder charge
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Product Info
  • Brand
  • SKU
  • Quantity in stock
    785 item(s) available
  • Condition
  • Quantity
    25 Rounds
  • Caliber
    25 ACP
  • Bullet Weight
    35 Grain
  • Bullet Type
    Jacketed Hollow Point
  • Case Material
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