Charlotte, NC • Since 1959

Hornady Precision Hunter 7mm PRC 175 Grain ELD-X Ammo, 20 Rounds

Hornady's Precision Hunter features a Heat Shield tip that resists the effects of aerodynamic heating and retains its shape to maintain the highest-in-class BC over its entire trajectory. A streamlined secant ogive with optimum boattail design, highly concentric AMP bullet jackets, and Heat Shield tip combine for radically superior aerodynamic efficiency. With high velocity, 0-400 yard impact, the bullet continually expands throughout its penetration path. The thick shank of the jacket and high InterLock ring work to keep the core and jacket together providing 50-60% weight retention. Upon low velocity, 400+ yard impacts, the Heat Shield tip drives backward into the bullet to initiate expansion. Exhibiting controlled expansion with a large mushroom and 85-90% retained weight, the bullet provides deep penetration and large cavities.

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Product Info
  • Brand
  • SKU
  • Quantity in stock
    39 item(s) available
  • Condition
  • Caliber
    7mm Precision Rifle Cartridge
  • Bullet Weight
    175 Grain
  • Bullet Type
  • Case Material
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