Charlotte, NC • Since 1959

Hornady Critical Duty 357 Sig 135 Grain FlexLock Ammo 20 Rounds

Critical Duty features a high-antimony lead core that is extremely tough and delivers controlled expansion. It also provides a more economical choice than similar bonded bullets. The FlexLock bullet incorporates two revolutionary Hornady features: the no-clog, patented Flex Tip design and the heavy-duty jacket-to-core InterLock band. It utilizes a large mechanical jacket-to-core InterLock band that keeps the bullet and core from separating for maximum weight retention and proven terminal performance through. Nickel plating resists corrosion and greatly enhances low-light chamber checks while combining the cannelured bullet with a crimped case ensures no bullet setback during feeding.

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Product Info
  • Brand
  • SKU
  • Quantity in stock
    14 item(s) available
  • Condition
  • Quantity
    25 Rounds
  • Caliber
    357 Sig
  • Bullet Weight
    135 Grains
  • Bullet Type
    Hornady FlexLock
  • Case Material
    Nickel Coated Brass
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