Charlotte, NC • Since 1959

Black Hills 300 BLK 125 Grain Match Ammunition 20 Rounds

Black Hills produces factory new ammunition equal to some of the best handloads and is quickly becoming one of most popular manufacturers of ammunition. Used primarily by all branches of the United State military, this ammunition is also used by competitive shooters and hunters. ­Whether you are varmint hunting, target shooting or on duty protecting our country, Black Hills Factory New Ammo is designed to provide you with optimum results.

Sierra Open Tip Match bullets have very thin jackets and are held to exacting tolerances in diameter and weight. Their accuracy has been acclaimed worldwide and they have been used to win more target competitions than all target bullets from other manufacturers combined. Each bullet is designed with a very small meplat in order to achieve the highest ballistic coefficient possible. This ammunition is new production, in non-corrosive, in boxer-primed, reloadable brass cases.
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Product Info
  • Brand
    Black Hills Ammunition
  • SKU
  • Quantity in stock
    8 item(s) available
  • Quantity Limit
    Strict Limit of two boxes per order
  • Caliber
    300 AAC Blackout
  • Bullet Weight
    125 Grains
  • Bullet Type
    Match Boat Tail Hollow Point
  • Case Material
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